The Bridge School

What Others Say About Us

We really listen to the concerns and appreciate the positive comments.

Director of BESTIt was a pleasure to visit him in Kiwi class today where he was content, engaged, happy, calm, and learning. He will make rapid progress now that he is in such an ideal setting. The class, the approach, the pitch, the challenge, the opportunity and the expertise of those surrounding him was nothing short of wonderful to witness.Jul
A parentJust wanted to say thank you so much to all the team for today, I know it definitely isn’t easy organising and hosting such events, but it was a very lovely afternoon.Jun
A parentI just wanted to say what a wonderful event the sports day was. I feel yourself and all the teachers really are a credit to the school, you all work so hard to make sure the children take part, join in whilst including everyone and managing behaviours etc, I feel your all fantastic and wanted to express my thanks.Jun
Teach Us TooWe wanted to write and thank you and all of your staff and pupils for such a warm welcome yesterday. It really was lovely to come in and see The Bridge School in action (limbo and all!). We are really looking forward to continuing to work with you and Unity moving forward on this literacy journey.Jun
A USP Board MemberA note to say how much I enjoyed our tour around the school yesterday – such a strong sense of community and trust between children and staff. You are doing something special there.

I said to the others that we should hold every board meeting in a school!
Teacher Training AdministratorI just wanted to say a BIG thank you to you for all your efforts and help for our trainees/colleague SEND visits. They had a great experience and have spoken highly about you and your school and how well organised everything was. I am ever so grateful to you for all your support for CTTC.Nov
A parentI just wanted to thank you and the TA’s for this afternoon. It was lovely to be able to come to the classroom and see my daughter and the others enjoy their time at school. I was amazed at how well you managed to keep their attention during the bucket exercise! Nov
A parentThank you for today. It was wonderful to see how content and involved my daughter is, I couldn’t believe how well she was concentrating!Nov
A parentThank you for having us in today. It was great to see the class in action. It’s amazing what you and the team do, and I am so pleased my son has the best opportunity to thrive. Nov
A parentI just wanted to say thank you for allowing us to come in for the messy play session yesterday. It was great to be able to see my child in the class environment. I’m so impressed with the teacher and the TAs. It was great to see all the children sitting so well and engaged in the bucket activity. I can now fully understand how it will work more smoothly with just one teacher having saw the space and environment. 

I feel much better after yesterday and just so pleased and grateful that she has a space at the school. It really has been life changing for her. 
Parent of new starter 2023I wanted to use the opportunity to say how pleased we are with how well the girls have settled in. At the moment they are coming home really happy and I can see from their earwig photos that they’re enjoying school.  We really appreciate the daily updates and I know this adds more work for you but it’s really helping us in regards to keeping my daughter as healthy and happy as possible.

You’re all doing an amazing job and we feel so blessed that our girls have a school place with you at The Bridge. Thank you for all you do.
Parent of new starter 2023My daughter is absolutely thriving since joining you, she is so happy and is sleeping (hoorah!!). The Bridge is exceeding expectations, and we are so happy. So thank you to you all.Oct
A ParentYou all are angels. I was almost breaking down when I took him for hair cut during holidays. He was so upset. I just wanted that to be cut as short as possible. Thanks a million for what you and your team are doing for our kids. Really appreciate it. May
A ParentWe have been loving seeing all the new things he is learning at school, at home. He is writing lots of number sentences and asking us to help him add them and been doing lots of drawings of different things and telling us what they are. (Definitely new from letters, numbers and smiley faces). Thank you for all the help you and the team are giving him, we are seeing a positive impact at home. He really loves being in your class, thank you.May
A ParentI just had to come in and tell you what a brilliant time I had yesterday, at the zoo with Tiger class. It was amazing to see what really goes on. The staff are all amazing. From the patience of Joy at the sealions to the energy of George as he ran all day after excited children. I just thought you should know. There is always stupid negativity in FB and it’s not fair. If they just saw what you guys do. The staff here are totally brilliant.Mar
A ParentI just wanted to share how well my son did yesterday. We took the boys to Jump in and my son actually took dad to find toilets when he needed to go! Stayed dry the whole time. We then took them to KFC and my son sat beautifully the whole time. This was never possible before and we’d need to have my son in his buggy but he was such a good boy!! Thank you & the team for all your hard work and dedication with my son’s needs it’s definitely helping us at home too.Feb
A ParentThanks again for everything your doing at school, he gets so excited about coming in and we have really seen an effect at home with him becoming more independent. I hope you have great weekend.Jan
Social WorkerIt has been a pleasure working with you and the welfare team at The Bridge.Dec
Deputy Headteacher & SENDCoI can’t thank you and your staff enough for the warm welcome and wonderful demonstration of their expertise in supporting children with such complex needs. It was a real learning opportunity for my colleague and I and we hope to continue our link with The Bridge.Nov
Suffolk Music Therapy ServicesI also would like to take this opportunity to share my observations while at your school this morning. While waiting for our meeting in the foyer, I found your reception staff incredibly polite, friendly and professional.

The warmth, professionalism, compassionate and calm nature was clearly evident in the reception area and this was witnessed in my tour of the school into many classrooms later in our meeting.

Your school has a wonderful culture which is very impressive and I am sure it is making a difference to every individual student, child and staff member.
Parent of new starter 2022My son is in Dolphins class and absolutely loves the Bridge. The staff have gone above and beyond to make sure he has had a smooth transition to the school and as a family we are so pleased that he is attending a school with such a friendly and welcoming community. It is very clear that all the staff care about the children and it is lovely to see the relationships they have with the children when I drop off and pick up my son.

The staff in his class have been fantastic and he often tells us about what he has been learning. He loves the staff and everyday comes out with a smile on his face. The children are offered so many opportunities such as forest schools and using the school swimming pool, as well as having access to the sensory room and an amazing playground as well as other numerous things the school have put in place for the children, which have been so beneficial to my son. As a family we are thankful to all the staff and school for how welcome they have made our son and us feel.
Sue Woollard
Early Years Practitioner
I just wanted to email to thank-you for allowing me to visit your wonderful school on Friday. I had the pleasure to observe teaching methods in the Kingfisher, Flamingos & Meerkat classrooms. From my arrival in reception I was made to feel very welcome & all the teachers & teaching assistants were very friendly & gave me lots of advice to support my own professional development working with preschool children with additional needs. [Teacher] in particular provided me with lots of advice, so please pass on my thanks. Your school is absolutely amazing!Jun
Senior Nurse Specialist
Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
Pass my compliments on to the staff team in Meerkat class. In what seemed like a very busy classroom, there was a real focus on clear communication, using and developing now and next and some really good use of intensive interaction. It appeared that the staff really enjoyed supporting all of the young people and it showed in the relationships that had been developed. May
A Parent: Easter Holiday ClubMy son loved every day and I felt happy he was safe and secure enjoying activities within a safe environmentApr
Suffolk Virtual SchoolPEP’s have been flagged as GOLD by… Virtual School / Authority, this means the PEP’s have have been completed to a very high standard.Apr
Chair of Governors… learning in classrooms showed real strength and purpose.Mar
A ParentGive my deepest thanks and appreciate to you all, but a particular huge thanks to [teacher] for being so committed and dedicated in supporting my child in his development and education. You are a credit to your profession!Mar
Independent Occupational TherapistI was really impressed by the [school teacher] ethos. He may be the best teacher I have ever spoken with! He was so positive…Mar
S Garret: Leader in Education (independent review of PSHE and RSE)The Bridge PSHE curriculum is well thought through and aligned to National Statutory Guidance. All pupils gave ‘double thumbs up’ about being at The Bridge, reading was seen to be a priority within curriculum planning.Jan
J Newport: Managing Director of Team Teach LtdI want to begin this observation report by recognising the immense dedication of the staff… they showed such levels of compassion and determination. They commit themselves to engaging, supporting and guiding.Jan
Suffolk Virtual School: SEND LeadershipToday I had the privilege of monitoring the PEPs for your Suffolk children in care. I am delighted to say that everyone of them was moderated as Gold. They have been an absolute joy to read. The learning journeys are fabulous and all the extra attachments give such a clear picture of the amazing provision you offer and the fabulous progress your young people are making.Dec
Independent educationalist / behaviour expert: Commissioned by USPSchool was a very calm and orderly environment throughout the visit.  Young people arrived at school well, the morning meet and greet by the staff was exceptional.Nov
A ParentJust wanted to thank you for today it was the first time for both my boys today at the cinema. And wanted to thank you and the 2 other girls who laid / chased and sat with my son today you’re all amazing with him and can’t thank you enough, have a lovely eveningNov 2021
Governor Curriculum: ReportThe curriculum mapping is skills focused. It is designed to be highly personalised, reflecting the wide range of needs of students.Oct 2021
SaLT TherapistI just wanted to share my gratitude to Lion class this half term, and specifically [TA] who I have been running weekly sessions with in class. Lions are always very welcoming and ready for my visits [TA] has a wealth of knowledge and passion to support speech and language. Next steps are always implemented alongside follow up / carry over. All the children are making lovely progress with the skills we are working onOct 2021
A ParentWe’ve just been told the school is going to close tomorrow – we have cards and little goodies here for you!! They might have to be a welcome back gift in September instead!! Just wanted to thank you all very much for your hard work and effort this year, it’s been such a tough time for all of us but especially for my son and his routine-based life you’ve all worked exceptionally hard and it’s not gone unnoticed! He is continuing to develop into a young man we are immensely proud of and I owe all of you my gratitude for your role in his journey. I hope you have a wonderful well deserved summer holiday! Jul