The Bridge School

Performance & Results

School Performance Data

The above link will take you to the Department of Education’s Performance tables.

Pupils in Year 6 take the Key Stage 2 (KS2) national curriculum tests – commonly known as SATs. These tests, alongside teacher assessment of English writing and science, are used to measure school performance and to make sure individual pupils have the support that they need as they move into secondary school. It is a legal requirement that this data is published each academic year on the school’s website.

KS2 Results 2022-2023

At The Bridge School we submit our results with the knowledge and understanding that our pupils are working below national expectations, either at an engagement or pre-key stage level. We use Earwig and more relevant assessment methods to ensure the best support is required for all pupils. We also celebrate the achievements all our pupils make in all areas of their development.

Financial Benchmarking

You can view your school or academy trust’s financial data, see how it compares with others and use the information to establish relationships with other schools or multi-academy trusts. Please click on the buttons below to visit the GOV.UK schools financial benchmarking service (these will open in new browser tabs).


To view our latest Ofsted report please click on the link above.


You can share your experiences of our school via Ofsted’s Parent View. Click on the logo below to enter the site.