Our Uniform Policy is currently under review and will be published shortly.
We have reviewed the school uniform and removed any unnecessary items in order to keep costs lower for our families.
If your child is entitled to pupil premium, the school will provide a free annual jumper or cardigan. We also have free second hand clothing which is available on request.

Uniform: Foundation to Year 5
- *Green v-neck sweatshirt/cardigan with logo*
- White polo shirt
- Boys – Black trousers or shorts
- Girls – Black skirt, pinafore, trousers or green and white dress in summer
- Black school shoes/black or white socks
- Girls may wear black or white tights in winter
Uniform: Year 6
- White collared shirt (Not polo shirt)
- *Burton End tie*
- *Green v-neck sweatshirt/cardigan with logo*
- Boys – Black trousers or shorts
- Girls – Black skirt, pinafore, trousers or green and white dress in summer
- Black school shoes/black or white socks
- Girls may wear black or white tights in winter
*These items must be purchased from KiiWii Clothing*. Burton End Uniform cpat (kiiwiiclothing.co.uk)
Other items may be purchased from any retailer.

PE Kit: Foundation
- Green or white plain t-shirt
- Black shorts/jogging bottoms
- Black plimsolls
- White socks (optional)
PE Kit: Year 1 to 6
- Green or white plain t-shirt
- Black shorts
- Black jogging bottoms
- Black tracksuit top
- Trainers
- White socks

Additional information
- Pupils are not permitted to wear jewelry to school apart from a maximum of one small stud or sleeper in either or each ear.
- Pupils should not attend school wearing makeup or nail varnish.
Please make sure all clothing and foot wear are clearly marked with pupils’ names.